
Equipping your Children to Thrive in the Digital Age with Kristen Jenson

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equipping your children to thrive in the digital age with kristen jenson

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  •  Have you ever struggled with how to have hard conversations with your kids about pornagraphy or sexual abuse? Today’s episode could equip you with tools to help you with those talks. Today I am talking with Kristen Jenson, the author of the children’s book, Good Pictures Bad Pictures. In our conversation we talk about how these conversations need to start a lot earlier than alot of us had imagined. The tools that Kristen provides you with in her book, and website can empower you to have these conversations with your children. It’s not a matter of IF they will be exposed to these things, but WHEN. With these resources, you can prepare your children on how to react to these circumstances.


    Episode Highlights:

    • Equipping your children to thrive in the digital age
    • Tough conversations
    • definition, warning, and a plan 


    More on Guest: 


    More on Love Your School/Links Mentioned in Episode:
