
Bonus Episode: Hope Scholarship Update!

Have you heard the news?! The Hope Scholarship is back in business!

To recap – The Hope Scholarship Program is an education savings account (ESA) program that will allow parents and families to utilize the state portion of their education funding to tailor an individualized learning experience that works best for them. (Taken from hopescholarshipwv.com)

The Hope Scholarship was originally supposed to launch for the 2022-2023 school year, but an injunction was filed & granted on July 6, 2022 forcing the program to come to a halt. This left many families who were counting on the scholarship in a very tough situation. Many of these families who were planning on enrolling their children in alternative schooling options had to change plans due to no longer having the funds they expected to have.

On October 4, 2022 , the West Virginia Supreme Court heard the case again, and on October 6, 2022 the injunction was officially dissolved. The Hope Scholarship Board held an emergency meeting on October 10th to discuss this ruling. The Treasurer’s office will email all parents who had already applied for their students. Funds are set to be released in full by January 15, 2023. If families choose to keep their children enrolled in public school for the 2022-2023 school year, but would like to, they will be able to apply for the next school year on March 1, 2023.

We are so excited to share this news with you! Thanks for tuning in!

Episode Highlights:

  • Review of Injunction & Hope Scholarship History
  • Update – The Injunction has been dissolved!
  • What to expect in the coming months

More on Love Your School/Links Mentioned in Episode: