
The Bickerton Family

Meet the Bickerton Family!

What type of school environment are your children currently in?

Gwen, Gus, and Knox are all in a Private Classical Christian School in Tucson.

Please share your current model of schooling and some of the reasons why you chose it.

We love our school so much! We chose the umbrella of a Christian Education because those are the values and worldview that are important to our family. We believe that the Classical model of education works best for our children, and we have been extremely happy with our current school.

Why do you feel this model of schooling best meets the needs of your children? How have you seen them grow and thrive in these environments?

There is a lot of attention to the whole student’s body and mind, not only through core subjects but also through physical activity, gardening, art and drama. The small class sizes allow for a lot of attention to be given to each student to excel from where they stand. There may be multiple reading groups in a twelve person –  1st grade class, or a third grader who has mastered his mathematics level, can move up to 4th grade math if they are ready. We love this flexibility for our kids while maintaining a focus on their individual needs.

How do you feel living in Arizona and the school options you have in Arizona have helped your children in their academic and life pursuits?

Living in Arizona is the single greatest factor in our family being able to enjoy a Private Christian Education. Arizona Tax Credit donations are what makes this possible. It is an incredible gift and beloved privilege.

What do you love the best about your current school environment for your kids? What advice do you have for other families considering this option?

The Community environment and high standards of conduct have been really awesome. The school culture puts a high value on parent and family involvement. The Teachers and faculty use God’s word as a guide in dealing with conflict and restoration.

Anything else about your school / education decisions that you would like to share or mention? Any other questions we didn’t ask?
At our school, cell phones are not allowed on Campus. We are thankful for this rule as it makes space for the students to interact more in their real relationships and to learn how to love and forgive and enjoy one another during the time they have together.