
The Salazar Family

This past year has definitely been a roller coaster. Thankful for the schools to offer online schooling during this pandemic. My 3 kid’s have went to two different schools this year and both school’s helped my kid’s out through this journey of virtual learning. They have helped out with computers even though my youngest daughter did not get a computer she was able to use her brothers.

Thankfully her teacher was able to record lessons and send to us through email. She also dropped off hands on paperwork for my daughter for kindergarten activities. This helped out greatly to keep busy with writing activities. My two older boys 4th and 10th at the time of the beginning of the year were able to navigate the laptop and get there lessons done. They first had to get use to the online and how sometimes there laptop was slow so they would miss what the teacher said or other technical problems they had to get use to.

It definitely was a challenge but my kid’s kept going and caught on. At first you will run into problems but it does get easier. They did get more comfortable doing activities and tests online. They are using google teams for there lessons and so far has been going good. They have a calendar with all there meetings and special classes so when it’s time for that class you click on it in calendars and it takes you right to your meeting with your teacher. There is also resources for parents and students. Student resources have different learning games and apps that you get access to. They are assigned daily to go on some of these apps through student resources. A couple apps I like for my elementary kid’s are I -ready and Raz kids. There is also starfall that helps my daughter learn. My high schooler has options to online help and tutors different day’s of the week which is very helpful.

Overall our online experience for virtual learning definitely took time to get use to but my kid’s are good and continue to stay online schooling until the new year.

- Jenny Clark

Founder & Executive Director

Arizona native and mother of five, Love Your School Founder Jenny Clark knows full well the unique variations in how children learn. Jenny grew up in Arizona, attended her local district school from K-12, and then continued on to the University of Arizona and received a BSBA in Business Economics.

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