
How the Richardson’s Found Prenda

Our family was introduced to Prenda by a dear friend last year. I (the mother) was not immediately interested. We were happy overall with our public schools in our wonderful small-town Arizona. However, as educators and passionate parents of six beautifully unique children, my husband and I believe that the opportunities youth are facing today are changing exponentially. We also agreed that we wanted our children, some of whom have been adopted through foster care, to become daring learners and blaze their own path at their own pace.

It took a few months before I sat down and did my research when I was reintroduced to the Prenda model. I fell in love with the student-led and growth mindset approach. I recognized the absolute potential this kind of microschool environment could give our children as individuals of a changing future. I couldn’t ignore the fact that it would provide our family with the freedom to differentiate their creative learning experience and learner autonomy. As a family we agreed that Prenda was worth giving a try.

We started a microschool in our home in January. Since then we have watched as our children’s love of learning has grown and we have seen them deepen their friendships with small class size and gain confidence in their abilities and strengths. Specifically, my 10-year-old son has been able to find a passion for a subject that he was previously getting low grades in. We have loved being able to provide this option to other families as well and create a community of supportive friends to learn and grow with. To say we are grateful for this school option is an understatement! Prenda has been life-changing for our family and we are excited to continue to grow and reach new heights within this community.

- Jenny Clark

Founder & Executive Director

Arizona native and mother of five, Love Your School Founder Jenny Clark knows full well the unique variations in how children learn. Jenny grew up in Arizona, attended her local district school from K-12, and then continued on to the University of Arizona and received a BSBA in Business Economics.

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