
What is Microschooling

Families across the United States are now looking into options like Microschools and Micro-pods or Learning Pods. Arizona is home to a brand new and innovative model of schooling known as “microschooling”  – which is gaining attention as families are considering the educational options they have for the upcoming school year. Additionally, families are curious about forming small groups together where a teacher or parent teaches – which is being called a micro-“pod”

Micro-pods & Learning Pods

If you’re interested in trying to find a micro-pod in your area with other families – Love Your School is working to connect like-minded families in similar geographic areas.

Microschools are in most cases small groups (8-10 kids) meeting in a home, office, or studio. Adults, often known as teachers or “guides” help shape the learning experience for kids and work alongside them to set daily goals and help kids take responsibility for their work and days.

Love Your School had the opportunity to interview the founder of Prenda Microschools, Kelly Smith, earlier this year. Watch the full video for more information about this exciting new opportunity for your family!

- Love Your School

Founder & Executive Director

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