
HD’s Family

My daughter was formally diagnosed with autism this year.  We have always homeschooled and have been able to give her an educational experience tailored to her needs.  As she is entering her teen years we are beginning to see how much she could benefit from therapeutic opportunities to learn, grow and gain skills for her future.  Unfortunately, such therapies are costly!  Enter ESA.  What an amazing resource this could be to our daughter for her future success!  And so we started the process.  We quickly felt lost, confused and disheartened!  Something that should be straightforward-getting the help our daughter needs-was fraught with nuances, deadlines, tricks and traps.  Thank God a friend told us about Love Your School!  Finding this organization to guide us through this stressful process has been a tremendous blessing to our family.  Jenny Clark and her talented colleague Shannon Kemptster changed the trajectory of our experience.  They have taken us from uncertainty and anxiety to assurance and confidence.  They have been there every step of the way making sure we have the knowledge and experience to walk this path.  We are still in the middle of the process but I have confidence that we will succeed in getting the resources my daughter needs and deserves.
While I am so relieved to have Love Your School as an ally, my heart is greatly burdened to think about parents who try to navigate this process alone.  I have so many advantages.  I have a college degree, I have time and I have the energy to fight the good fight.  But what about those parents who don’t?  What about those who are working multiple jobs to make ends meet or those who don’t have the time or energy to try to make sense of the complicated process?  I am again so very thankful that an organization like Love Your School is there to provide guidance and assurance to all families because truly no child who needs help and no family who needs resources should be left to walk this path alone.  On behalf of parents and children everywhere…Thank you Love Your School!